What A Healthy Rabbit Diet Looks Like |The Small Animal

Online store for timothy hay, pellets and more – https://www.kmshayloft.com/

What Rabbits can and cannot eat + more information on feeding rabbits vegetables- http://rabbit.org/suggested-vegetables-and-fruits-for-a-rabbit-diet/

Updates- Maisy our hammy that has only been featured on the channel a few times recently passed away at the age of 2 years old, on top of that over the span of around 1 year 4 of our mice , Gingersnap (3 1/2) , Licorice (3 1/2), Cream Puff (2 1/2)and ButterScotch (2 1/2)have passed away the nummbers next to their names were how old they were when they passed ( all of which passed from old age)
We also have gotten a new long haired male hamster named bou.

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