Part 2 now available!
This is Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 will be posted by the end of September 2015): In Part 1 we are caring for orphaned newborn kittens for the very first week of their lives. Note that for the first few days after they are born, the kittens’ mouths are too small to handle even a kitten-formula bottle. That’s why we used a clean syringe; a clean eyedropper is another good option. We are feeding them a kitten formula that is commonly available in the U.S.; there are several brands on the international market which can be purchased in most countries either from a pet supply store or from a veterinary office. (Please note: in many areas/regions/countries, commercially prepared kitten formula is not available; there are many excellent substitute recipes that may be found on the web using ingredients that in most countries can be found locally. **At the end of Part 2, we list several of these alternative recipes**)
By the end of week 1, the kittens’ mouths are big enough for a regular kitten formula bottle. Please continue to our second video, Part 2, in which we pick up at week two of the kittens’ lives, continuing through to weaning them onto soft kitten food, and also litter box training, which typically happens around 3-4 weeks of age.
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